year of the dragon

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I got some new art supplies, and a book of Illuminated Letters, so I thought I would try my own version. Here’s a letter I’ve been working on. The letter D, with a dragon, since the new year is just around the corner, and this year is the Year […]

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new week, new project.

Working on masks this week, 3D and in Photoshop… I’ve decided to make a mask of mirrors, after a conversation I had with a friend. Here’s a few photos of the progress so far. I still need to paint the left side (waiting for the grout to dry) and attach something to make the mask […]

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what I’ve been up to lately…

New school, new projects, and no sleep. here’s some stuff I’ve been working on. Illustrating the alphabet. Some of the letters got out of order, I’m not sure how to fix that, but you’ll get the idea.

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a quick little post…

WIP Pencil, 18x24in. Final project for Drawing 2. Been busy all weekend trying to catch up on the last few projects for class. One week left until graduation. And every time I think of it I get all teary… I’m gonna miss that place, and the people.

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